Sunday, August 13, 2023

Libraries are a huge reason why physical releases are so important

As someone who can’t always spend money willy-nilly, I’ve been using my library to borrow games and it’s been fantastic. I’ve been able to play a lot of games I probably wouldn’t have otherwise, or waited a while for sales. You can place holds on games too so even though there’s usually a queue, if you’re patient and know what you want to play, you can wait for it. There’s a lot of games I want to play so I don’t mind waiting for each one.

Yes digital is convenient. I used to be of the opinion that physical is useless. But after excitedly going to the library to pick up The Last Of Us Part 1, holding the box in my hands, and knowing that I didn’t have to pay a dime completely changed my mind. It felt like buying a game as a kid again.

If digital only is really the future (I hope it isn’t), I hope publishers either 1) Send special physical copies to libraries 2) Allow digital borrowing of games similar to Overdrive.

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