This is just my opinion and perspective. When I watch my buddies play D4 i try to understand the fun factor but it honestly just seems depressing. They'll sit for hours and hours just slashing through endless waves of the same mobs. They seem to loathe this. I ask "what's the end goal?" It's for the gear drops. When some gear finally drops they're maybe happy for like 10 seconds then it's back the depressing grind. Is there anything beyond this? It seems mindless and pointless to me. Grind mobs to get more gear just to grind mobs faster? I realize my understanding is probably very basic hence why I ask. I know there is some min maxing involved and trying out different characters and builds but does it all ultimately boil down to grinding through endless waves of mobs? EDIT: I realize it's a bit of a hot take given how popular D4 is right now. Feel free to downvote if you want to. I just wanna know some of your insights. No hate against D4 or ARPG players in general. :)
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