Monday, July 11, 2022

I am broken.

I had my ex roommate store all of my old vintage video games/consoles at his house while I was in between living situations and needed to get my shit together. I reached out to him recently to get it all back and he told me it’s all gone and he’d gotten rid of all of it. I had an Atari, a Nintendo 64 with $100’s of dollars worth of games, my GameCube with my beloved copy of paper Mario and the 1000 year door, and many many other games that held so much sentimental value to me. On top of that, I had a gaming cabinet there my grandpa had helped me build to display my collection. That’s gone too.

I guess i just needed a space to vent that I don’t even know where to start to get my collection back to what it was… I am in so much pain. Love you all.

Edit: Thank you all so much for the advice/empathy/stories. There’s a lot going through my mind but small claims court seems like my best shot… I’ll update you all on how that goes.

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