Wednesday, June 22, 2022

I'm sick and tired of having to make accounts and download proprietary software just to play games I paid money for

I'm enjoying a day off. Figured I'd try a new game on PC. Assassin's Creed Black Flag is fun, I enjoyed that on Xbox. On PC I need internet access for a solo player game, Ubisoft software and account, and I can't even play the game because it needs an activation code I can't find. Why can't I just install and play the damn game?

I decided to try out GTA V to satisfy my desire to explore a big world. A long list popped up of software I need to install and an account I have to make just to be allowed to play a game I paid a lot of money for.

I just backed out and cancelled. I'm not using my day off to sit around and take thirty minutes just to be allowed to play one of my games. Why is it like this? What happened to just install a game and play it?

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