Thursday, December 2, 2021

Honestly, as a woman, I enjoy the "sexualization" of women in games

Before anyone makes a comment about how sexualization is never good, let me explain what I mean by sexualization.

Having sexy female characters in games cant be strictly considered sexualization, if a culture promotes and paints women as only objects to be attarcted to, THAT is sexualization that is wrong, but I dont think that's happening in the gaming world, obviously there are some games that do this, but we cant paint the whole scene that way just because one person made a bad and sexist game. Everywhere there are bad people, and the existence of them cant be used to prove a viewpoint right or wrong because it's a constant in every area. Sadly.

For every video game woman that is made with a sexy aspect in mind, theres like 13 women that were made just to be a "normal" woman. I see so many women in the gaming world bring up "normal" women and praising the game developers for making them normal, but just as many women bring up the SAME character and say that the woman is sexualized.

Laura croft is the biggest example, I've seen more women gamers divided on this than any other character (and tbf it's a stupid thing to be divided on), 50 will say shes normal, 50 will say she was made for the male gaze(and lesbians or women-attracted-people get left out of this topic ironically.) Its not the issue OR as big of a problem than it's made out to be. It annoys me that so many women like me ENJOY the sexy women characters only for 500 women to jump down our throats calling us "traitors" or "you're damaging women", we arnt.

I love seeing a female protagonist because I can relate to it. I like seeing sexy female protagonist because it makes me feel better about being a woman, not that hard to understand. Women and men have been sexualized in media since its inception, it is ignorant to say male characters arnt treated the same way, they are, albeit in different ways, but sexualized all the same. The collective amnesia of the history of women in games is a dangerous thing I dislike seeing coming up.

I never have cared when someone makes a sexy female character, or a normal one, in an RPG or otherwise, because both exist, they always have, pretending like it's a new thing or that its gotten worse dosent help any point you are trying to make.

It's an issue that was manufactured out of perhaps good intentions, but has been blown up so out of proportion you cant even see the start of it.

Sorry if this gets posted too often, I just got super annoyed with it today and I'm tired of being judged for it.

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