Saturday, April 24, 2021

Whoever was playing Journey this morning... THANK YOU!

You absolutely made my six-year-old daughter’s day!!

My daughter is six, and loves to play video games. Usually we play together, but I just had a new baby, and my time for video gaming is nonexistent. Today, she asked about the game Journey for the PS3 after hearing a song from its soundtrack play on my phone. I told her she was old enough to play it, and got her started on it while I fed the baby. I thought there was NO way anyone else would join our game, given how old the title is, and I told her we probably wouldn’t run into anyone else while she played...

But there WAS someone who showed up in level two, and she was thrilled!! Whoever it was stayed right by her little side, helping her along and showing her which way to go. She was over the moon!

She rarely complains about the fact that I’m all consumed with her new sister, but I know she feels frustrated at times. She isn’t in public school due to Covid, so we both can go a little crazy stuck together in the house all day.

So thank you, whoever you are. You absolutely made her day, and mine. Thanks for being her helper, and friend.

UPDATE: After the game ended, the name of the other player came on the screen, so I messaged them to thank them. Turns out his ten-year-old son was the one playing with my daughter, and he was equally thrilled!

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