Friday, June 22, 2018

The developer KABAM is responsible for allowing cheating and bribing to run rampant in Marvel Contest of champions. This needs attention.

This is EA/battlefront 2 all over again.

TLDR: the developer of the popular mobile game contest of champions has had contact with in game alliances and refuses to stop them paying out massive sums (<$1000) to allow them to remain in the top spot, this combined with players using other players accounts (called piloting) to play for them creates a hostile environment for OG and new players alike. The devs need to be punished, just like EA was. It’s our job as consumers to make sure shit like this doesn’t go unnoticed.

Please help me spread the news and punish devs like this

The developer KABAM is responsible for allowing major alliances in marvel contest of champions to pay sums of $2000 per war in order to win. This alliance bribes their way to the top, paying out sums upwards of $1000 frequently, and at times sending money for, or just straight up sending ipads.

The alliance also regularly has a few people sign into others accounts, allowing everyone to reap rewards they didn’t earn. This is highly unethical, and illegal behavior in game and needs to be brought to light.

r/contestofchampions has many posts right now showing proof of these actions, this post shows chats between the alliance and people they’re going against, bribing them into letting them win, and then one guy talking about communications with KABAM, the developer of the game.

It’s unacceptable for a developer to allow such actions that hurt longtime, loyal players, please help me and the rest of the community by spreading the news and forcing KABAM to make a statement. I understand this is mobile gaming, but just like EA with battlefront 2, a dev is taking advantage of its player base, and needs to be exposed for its wrong doing, so please help me and the community of r/contestofchampions by spreading the word!

Thank you!

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